寻觅一处秘境 度一日杉林时光 Search for a secret place Spend a day in the cedar forest
莫干山连绵的竹海风景吸引着四面八方的游客,而在进入莫干山的必经之处,有这样一片小杉林,四时可赏。觅度·杉里就藏在这片秘境杉林里。 The bamboo sea scenery in moganshan attracts tourists from all over the world. At the entrance to moganshan, there is a small forest of Chinese fir trees, which can be enjoyed at four o 'clock. Mikdo sugiyama is hidden in this secret grove of sequoias.
ORIGINAL | 原建筑 EMBRACE THE NATURE " 拥抱自然 " 民宿主希望在这样一片自然环境中,建筑能够尽大可能地拥抱自然,纯澈,透明,设计师沈墨与陶建浦便以“杉里看云,云里看山”为主题,打造出了一个全新的建筑。 The host hopes that in such a natural environment, the building can embrace the nature as far as possible, pure and transparent. The designers shen mo and tao jianpu created a brand new building with the theme of "looking at the clouds in the fir tree, looking at the mountains in the cloud".
SCENE | 施工现场 将底层架空,给予建筑通体白色,犹如一片洁白的云朵悬浮在空中,在周围植物的映衬下散发出神秘安静的气息。 The ground floor is elevated to give the building a white color, just like a white cloud suspended in the sky, emitting a mysterious and quiet atmosphere against the surrounding plants.
整体建筑解构呈“L”型,仿佛环绕着山林,自然景观便最大程度地呈现在眼前,能够近距离拥抱大自然。 The whole building is deconstructed in an "L" shape, as if it is surrounded by a mountain forest. The natural landscape is presented in front of the eyes to the greatest extent, and nature can be closely embraced.
碧绿的泳池让山与水相呼应,呈现出最自然最美的状态,泳池旁能够通往地下室,设有地下酒吧。 The green swimming pool makes the mountain and the water echo each other, presenting the most natural and beautiful state. The pool side can lead to the basement, and there is a speakeasy bar.
通过交错铺设的汀步走道,来到庭院处,这里特别设置了篝火派对区,白色立体墙面为空间增加了亮点,在夜晚的灯光映衬下显得富有造型感。 Through the staggered paving of the stepping walkway, came to the courtyard, here specially set up a bonfire party area, the white three-dimensional wall for the space to add a bright spot, in the night lights off the rich sense of modeling. NATURAL LIFE " 自然生活方式 "
在觅度衫里,开一场草地野餐与派对,住客可以选择包栋来体验居住在大自然中的乐趣。 There is a picnic and party on the grass in miidu shirt. Guests can choose to enjoy living in nature in baodong.
步入室内,一层客厅采用全敞开式设计,270°落地窗,能够让杉林景观映入室内,住客能够自由穿梭在其中。 When entering the room, the living room on the first floor adopts fully open design with 270° floor-to-ceiling Windows, which can reflect the landscape of Chinese fir forest into the room and allow guests to move freely in it.
公共空间同时设有书吧与卡座,能够满足不同休闲娱乐的需求。 The public space is equipped with book bar and booth, which can meet different needs of leisure and entertainment. CONNECT WITH NATURAL " 与自然连接 "
充满力量感的楼梯将建筑相连,顶部的圆形天窗让光线照亮整个楼梯,抬头便可以延伸出天空中,增加了空间感与互动性。 The building is connected by a powerful staircase with a circular skylight at the top that illuminates the entire staircase, extending out into the sky as you raise your head, adding to the sense of space and interactivity.
由于地理环境限制,一面是山一面是马路,为了减少周边环境的干扰,设计师因地制宜,改变了原本入口位置,将靠马路一侧改为过道,开出了一条长长的艺术走廊,在能欣赏到周围景观的同时也能保持独立性。 Due to geographical restrictions, one side is a mountain and the other side is a road. In order to reduce the interference of the surrounding environment, the designer changed the original entrance position according to local conditions, and changed the side of the road into a corridor. A long artistic corridor was created to allow people to enjoy the surrounding landscape while maintaining their independence.
觅度·杉里共有十间房,均以植物命名,由于窗户都做了斜凹处理,每间房都带有一个阳台,通过外部的自然景观与室内的设计构造相映成趣。 There are ten rooms in midu · shanli, all named after plants. As the Windows are recessed, each room has a balcony, which is set off by the external natural landscape and the interior design structure. 枫 · FENG
光通过开口的圆形天窗让照入室内,光与影的交错,仿佛与自然在对话。 Light through the opening of the circular skylight let light into the room, light and shadow interlacing, as if in dialogue with nature. 樱 · YING
设计师希望每间房都能映出室外的风景,房间有着270°落地玻璃窗,空间变得通透纯净。 The designer hopes that each room can reflect the outdoor scenery. The room has 270° floor-to-ceiling glass Windows, and the space becomes transparent and pure. 栎 · LI
柚 · YOU
将浴缸摆放在窗边,与山景进一步接触,能够更好地放松下来,享受此时此刻的乐趣。 Put bath crock in window edge, with mountain view further contact, can better relax come down, enjoy the fun at the moment. 榕 · RONG
拱圆造型的门框内放置浴缸,像是一个仪式感,住客能在此享受安静不被打扰的私人空间。 A bathtub is placed in the arched circular door frame, like a ritual, where guests can enjoy a quiet and undisturbed private space. 桐 · TONG
从城市到家的距离 是逐渐回归清晰平静的过程 不多不少
PLAN | 场地平面图
PLAN | 一层平面图
PLAN | 二层平面图
PLAN | 三层平面图
EFFECT | 客厅效果图
EFFECT | 客房效果图
项目名称 | NAME 觅度杉里民宿 设计单位 | DESIGN 杭州时上建筑空间设计事务所 设计内容 | DESIGN CONTENT 建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计 主案设计 | CASE DESIGN 沈墨 、陶建浦 设计团队 | DESIGN GROUP 陈雪纯 灯光设计 | LIGHT DESIGN 乐翰照明 项目规模 | PROJECT SCALE 3000㎡ 建筑面积 | ARCHITECT SCALE 1000㎡ 项目摄影 | PROJECT PHOTOGRAPHY 叶松 项目地址 | PROJECT ADDRESS 湖州 莫干山 完工时间 | COMPLETION TIME 2020/4
杭州时上建筑空间设计事务所,曾获巴黎DNA设计奖、美国IDA金奖、意大利ADESIGN银奖、台湾六艺奖金奖,台湾金点奖,筑巢奖金奖,香港40under40 Award,艾鼎奖金奖,CIID银奖 ,亚太空间新锐设计师等众多奖项。参加浙江卫视《全能宅急变》东方卫视《一席之地》节目空间改造。主要建设项目有:南宋御街宅院改造,无界西溪茶室、莫干山塔莎杜朵等多个民宿、上海、浙江和泰国等多个别墅酒店和会所办公空间设计。 |