近日,2021美国IDA国际设计大奖(International Design Awards) 公布最终获奖名单。多年来,基于其设计产学研平台深度耕耘的成果,清大软装致力于将设计美学带入更多城市空间的实现中,呈现“适合且美的设计”,其设计作品【和颐荟】,从来自全球的数千份作品中脱颖而出,收获了来自国际的认可。 美国IDA国际设计奖(International Design Awards)的存在是为了鼓励并宣传全球范围内杰出的设计人才,推动建筑学,室内设计,产品设计,平面设计,服装设计等领域的新兴人才在国际舞台上崭露头角。IDA希望打破设计界过于传统的旧规则,以新视角看待新生的独特创意和伟大作品。该奖项迄今为止已成功举办十五届,成为了世界上最负盛名的设计大奖之一。 美国IDA国际设计奖(International Design Awards)在实用创新的基础上,关注思维与文化底蕴,推动反传统、概念化的观念,鼓励优秀的设计师及年轻的设计新锐人才,透过创新的设计语汇解决生活问题,赋予未来全新的生活面貌,给予全球范围内的设计师们获得全球知名度的良机。 2021年,美国IDA国际设计奖迎来了自奖项创办以来最为成功的一年,报名国家和作品数量均超过以往任何一届。
和颐荟,这个以“生命健康”为主题的逆龄社区,总建筑面积达50000余平方米,是中兴发展深度探索“积极老龄化”的一次实践,为45岁+人群及其家庭规划全程健康关爱体系,提供一个乐享天然本真的颐养解决方案。 GBA LIFE GARDEN, a “young” community designed with the theme of “Life and Health”, covers a total building area of 50,000㎡. It is a practice by CZD to further explore the “Active Aging”. By designing an all-round healthcare system for people over 45 years old and their families, it provides a solution to live in comfort in their old age.
实施过程中,清大软装综合考量居者的身体机能、社交心理、精神需求,以及空间当下与未来的运营状态,提供美好的高品质生活情境与高频率社交场景,让生活在这里的人们享受充实、自由的无龄生活,实现“四时和颐,乐享天真”的理想之境。 Based on the comprehensive consideration from the elder’s physical, social, mental needs, as well as the development of the space at present and in the future, the design presents high-quality life situations and high-frequency social situations, so that people who live here can have a full and carefree life and realize the ideal situation that pleasantly enjoying retired life in all seasons.? “在深入研究了全球的优质颐养案例之后,我们发现通常这类空间的风格相对统一、单调,缺乏个性化的元素,因此结合和颐荟的客群特性、起居需求,我们思考如何汲取多元的艺术与审美,为不同偏好的会员提供多样化的选择,营造一个个兼顾舒服与美观的日常界域。” “After careful research of outstanding global retirement wellness projects, we noticed that this type of interior space usually has a comparatively uniform and monotonous, with little personalized elements. Therefore, we drew from diverse aesthetics, combining the targeted clientele’s characteristics and residential needs, providing different clients with diverse choices, and creating multiple daily environments with comfort as well as aesthetics.”
多年来,基于清大设计产学研平台深度耕耘的成果,清大软装致力于将设计美学带入更多城市空间的实现中,呈现“适合且美的设计”。在和颐荟一案中,清大软装在研究了大量的国内外颐养康养类实例的基础上寻求新的突破点,立足于这个大湾区健康逆龄社区的核心人群所需,关注他们的生活、审美与精神,以没有任何冗余的笔触,以体贴到细枝末节的洞察,让空间成为满足生活功能与生活方式美学的多元化复合体,回归生命本质的美好。 Over the years, based on Tsingda Design product-academic-research platform’s hard-earned achievements, Tsingda Decoration strives to apply design aesthetics to more urban space realizations. In the design of Harmonic Wellness Community, Tsingda Decoration searches for a breakthrough after researching a great deal of retirement projects, domestic and international, establishing the foundation on the local bay area and the needs of core residents. Focusing on their life, aesthetics, and mentality, the design applies a simple, extravaganza-free style, with caring and detail-oriented insights, crafting diverse, multifaceted spaces that satisfy both functionality and lifestyle aesthetics, returning to life’s essential beauty. 项目信息 Project Info 项目名称|和颐荟 项目地址|广东 深圳 竣工时间|2020年11月 项目面积|生活体验馆 6F公区489㎡ B2公区994㎡ / 01户型79㎡ / 02户型68㎡ / 03户型37㎡/ 04户型37㎡ / 05户型44㎡ 业主单位|中兴发展 软装实施单位|清大软装 硬装设计|北京中合现代工程设计有限公司 项目摄影|广州里外摄影有限公司 |
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