PART 3:关于Kelly Hoppen家居配饰品牌 Kelly Hoppen 1. 这次来中国,是为了推广你的Kelly Hoppen品牌吗?会在国内哪些城市销售?你的产品是面向什么样的人群? K: 现在我正在环游世界通过演讲等形式来发表我的家具系列和其他不同的产品。我非常高兴的说,我有幸在很多很棒的国家做推广,但现在有数不清的会议, 访问, 演讲和宴会日程。我的家具系列产品目前在国内是由亚力山卓家具集团所独家代理,而我这次来的主要目的也是为了我的品牌作推广,让更多喜欢我的风格,甚至是喜欢我的消费者知道这个品牌,而此次的行程我也非常满意。我没有特定的目标消费群体, 而是面向所有不同年龄层次及品位喜爱我的风格并梦想住在我所设计的住宅里的人。 2. 你的产品设计的很简约,但又不是德国式的极简,造型简单之余透着优雅的品质感,你觉得你的这种设计风格,能不能代表英国式的产品设计风格? K: 我很肯定的将我的设计风格定义为 “东方遇见西方”。身为英国人我深感自豪,而且在家具系列中我设计了英国国旗的箱子来展示英国的传统。今年即将到来的皇室婚礼也表达了英国是怎样一个令人骄傲的国家。 3. 感觉你很喜欢木制品,是不是亚洲的文化(比如:禅)曾带给你一些灵感?你是怎么看待这些来自亚洲来自中国的文化元素的? K: 在我的一生中东方对我的影响很大。我非常喜爱平静自然的风格,我很信仰风水, 我的风水师年前还准备了我们的办公室。 4. 你的产品大多采用天然材质(藤、亚麻、羊绒等),这些材质加重了你作品的优雅感觉。你个人有没有最喜欢的哪一种材料? K: 我热爱运用自然的材料, 因为它们会带给产品乃至整个房间完全不同的感受。我还特别将天然珊瑚应用在我与 “Bleu Nature”合作的家居饰品系列中。 About Kelly Hoppen Designer, Entrepreneur, Author and Educator As an independent 16-year-old with a relentless passion for design, Kelly Hoppen was given the opportunity to design a family friend’s kitchen. This modest commission not only created a teenage entrepreneur, it kick-started one of the most celebrated and extraordinary careers in the design industry. Kelly is honoured to be the recipient of copious design awards and the proudest point in her career to date came in 2009, when she was made an MBE for her services to interior design. She puts her stamp on the homes, yachts and jets of private clients, as well as select commercial projects the world over, including hotels, restaurants, offices and aircrafts. One of her most recent projects is a collaboration with Pearl Motor Yachts. With 37 years’ experience at the forefront of the industry, publishers and businesses continually seek Kelly’s unparalleled expertise, allowing her to indulge her entrepreneurial instincts. Kelly is the author of eight design books to date. Devoted to making her design ethos accessible to the masses, Kelly shares her extensive knowledge in her popular Kelly Hoppen Design School. She is currently one of the dragons in the BBC2 series of Dragons Den, helping new entrepreneurs to reach their dreams. A dedicated supporter of good causes and the championing and nurturing of younger and older British entrepreneurs, Kelly is an ambassador for the Princes Trust and the Princes Initiative for Mature Enterprise. Kelly is also a proud ambassador for the Government’s GREAT campaign and works with UK Trade & Investment mentoring small and medium sized businesses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |