【太平洋家居网 设计频道】Daise设计事务所创始人朱朱总是对设计有着独到的见解。跟随软装女魔头朱朱的脚步,走进绘画主义的软装新时代,在这里你会感觉到对家的定义和对爱的深度表达。 Zhu Zhu,CEO of Daise Design Office,She has a unique view of design. Follow the step of Art-Deco Queen Zhuzhu,Step into the time of Painting Art-DecoAnd you will find the definition of home and the deeply expression of love. 【设计师简介】
朱朱 zhuzhu DAISE设计事务所总裁、falan家居创始人、质感空间打造专家、软装先行开创者 CEO of Daise Design Office\ Originator of falan Furniture\ the Expertof Texture Zone Creating\ Pathfinder of Art-Deco 从业18载,为少数私宅高级定制。对于软装设计,朱朱一直秉承着“软装先行、质感空间、私人订制”的设计理念,用绘画主义的表现方式将高级艺术定制引入空间打造领域,让每件家私都具备使命,在不同的空间组成美的一部分。 During her working for 18 years, presenting some high-level custom-tailored Art-Deco design, Zhuzhu has been always in accordance with the idea of Advance Art-Deco\TextureZone\Custom Tailor. In virtue of the view of painting, drawing high-level Art-Deco in the area of zone building, she appoints each furniture a mission,which is to contribute to becoming a part of beauty in different place. 【本次改造赏析】 牡丹园 某著名影视演员 Peony Garden A Famous Screen Actress 经各大媒体争相报道,这一次的空间改造项目和以往有一些不同的含义,因为改造期限仅仅为一日,而这短短的一天又会带来什么样颠覆性变化呢? Following reports by major media, there are some different meanings with it used to be,for the time has been limited to one day only. And what kind of miracle couldturn up to impress us with the massive transformation happened in one day? 改造前 BEFORE 原本房间较为简洁,并没有其他装饰品,色调略为单一。 It was simple and almost entirely monochromatic here, without any decorations.
每件家具都应有特定的位置,所以改造第一步先从摆放位置开始 There should be a specific place for each specific furniture And that’s why we shall start with pattern planning 饰品的点缀让原本沉闷的空间增加很多色彩,点亮了愉悦的气氛。 These colorful ornaments light the tedious air up. |