02 如家精选酒店色彩基调 如家精选HomeinnPlus的设计概念采用热烈鲜明的色彩为主基调,并创意性地以经典色调装点。本项目中的亮点色彩为“阳光黄”,其被选中的原因是该色彩所营造的温暖氛围以及其对如家代表性色彩金色的全新阐释。对于如家精选HomeinnPlus系列来说,“阳光黄”通过其活力,现代以及温暖的视觉效果将爵士乐的概念生动地展露无遗。为了更好地衬托主色调,我们同时还会使用低饱和度的互补色彩,如浅焦糖色,暖系焦糖色,雪白,深巧克力色等。所有色彩元素通过水平纹路的纺织质地展现出来,以此打造如家精选品牌的视觉呈现效果。 The Homeinn Plus concept features a pallet of vibrant colors, with a classic touch and a new approach to the former. The highlight color in this project is the “Sunny Yellow”, which has been chosen for its warmth and as a reinterpretation of the gold color Homeinn has been recognized for applying in the past years. For the Homeinn Plus series, the “sunny yellow” brings the jazz concept to life through it vibrant, modern and warm visual sense. The color pallet is completed with a low saturated pallet of complementing colors, light caramel, warm caramel, snow white, and dark chocolate colors. The brand is represented by a horizontal line pattern textile, composed of all the color pallet tones. This pattern is displayed in strategic visual point of the space as a brand identity element of the Homeinn Plus brand. |