03 上海如家精选酒店 酒店大堂空间分为两部分:前台和商务区域。浅焦糖色的墙壁上以如家精选的特色纹路装饰突出,标志性的“阳光黄”灯盏将光线洒满整个空间。浅色陶瓷与金属的结合,营造出一种精致高雅的氛围。 The lobby area is divided into two zones; reception and business. The materials and colors are light caramel on the walls with highlighted visual points with the Homeinn plus pattern. Iconic “sunny yellow” lamps lighten the space. The light color ceramic in combination with metal incorporation, create a sophisticated high-end look. 酒店共有200间客房,客房所有家具均采用“深巧克力色”,它们静止的存在更好的衬托了明亮的空间以及精选的装饰元素。如家精选Homeinn Plus的设计概念的细节体现在客房内“阳光黄”的墙壁灯具上,与品牌形象丝丝入扣。墙上的装饰艺术品是一幅体现酒店概念及标志性纹路的抽象画,从公共空间到私人空间,无处不在的细节呼应,使品牌形象丰满充盈。卫生间内的淋浴设施以及梳妆空间,融入了黑白单色设计元素,营造优雅舒适的氛围。 The hotel has 200 rooms of 21 m2 to 23m2, which are equipped with a double bed, desk, and TV. All furniture in the room is in “Dark Chocolate” color to highlight fixtures in this very light space. The concept design details are translated into the room with the “sunny yellow” wall lamps, creating consistency with the brand image. The art on the wall is an abstract painting in the same tones of the pattern which is translated into the room with a more personal touch keeping a well-rounded brand image concept throughout the public and private spaces of the hotel. Each room is set with its own bathroom, with shower, sink, and toilette. The design elements create a space where monochrome colors keep the space elegant and comfortable.